Fish Ticket Manager

wild caught Alaskan salmon on ice

Fish tickets are a primary source of financial and management data for your operation. Transferring ticket information to a spreadsheet helps track relative poundage of different species, sets the stage for other data such as crew shares, and serves as a crosscheck for processor year-end statements.

The Excel spreadsheet below from Alaska Sea Grant is a basic fish ticket tracking template for a hypothetical salmon operation.


Fish ticket manager

The goals of this Excel spreadsheet are to track and summarize species poundage recorded on fish tickets, add company/tender information and fish temperatures, note crew changes, and track tender fuel and supplies purchases. Fishermen have shared with us other ideas for spreadsheet uses: setting up formulas that automatically account for post-season price adjustments, taxes and crew percentages, tracking setnet operations with multiple permits and direct market sales.

Download this template and customize it to your needs. Maybe you want to use a spreadsheet just to check delivery poundage against processor year-end statements or maybe summarizing income and crewshare information for your tax preparer is your priority. If you can utilize a spreadsheet while fishing, try adding columns and formulas for other items such as weather and tides, crew changes and direct market sales.

You will need Microsoft Excel to use this spreadsheet.