Wakefield Endowment

The Wakefield Endowment: an enduring investment in North Pacific ocean resources

Ribbon kelp creates a forest in the Aleutians Islands. (Photo: Brenda Konar)

In 2000, Frankie Wakefield, Lowell’s wife, made a gift to the University of Alaska Fairbanks to establish an endowment to continue the series that honors her husband’s commitment to wise management and utilization of marine resources.

Your contribution to this endowment will make you a valued partner in the challenging and critically important effort to maintain and build the vitality of the living resources in the world’s bountiful high latitude seas.

Reasons to invest in the Lowell Wakefield Symposium Series

Fishery managers and policy makers must have credible, research-based information on which to base management decisions. The Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium Series is the only high-latitude marine fisheries conference series in the world that convenes experts who share information about the complex biology and ecology of cold-water marine species.

Alaska’s marine fisheries help feed the nation and world, and support Alaska’s second-largest private industry—commercial fishing and processing. These vast fisheries also underpin the state’s subsistence economy and provide the basis for a world-renowned sport fishery.

Social and economic health depend on wise management of the North Pacific marine resources. The Lowell Wakefield Symposium Series is aimed directly at helping fishery managers get the information they need to do their jobs effectively.

Purse seiners at work in Prince William Sound. (Photo: Deborah Mercy)

The Endowment also …

  • Is internationally recognized for excellence and scope. More than 1,000 scientists from 30 nations have come to Alaska to focus their expertise on our key resource management problems.
  • Presents the latest in fisheries-related research. The symposia provide an effective forum for researchers to present the latest research findings to resource managers entrusted with continuing robust and viable fisheries for Alaska and the nation.
  • Represents a lasting educational investment in the future. Award-winning proceedings from the meetings have received national recognition for excellence. Peer reviewed and distributed worldwide, they are a valuable resource for management agencies and councils when making policy and management decisions. Our proceedings are also held in many prominent university libraries, and have served as textbooks to teach the next generation of decision makers.
  • Is a cost-effective investment for corporations working in Alaska. Because of Alaska’s education tax credit, gifts to the Lowell Wakefield Symposium Endowment through the University of Alaska Foundation can reduce your state tax bill. Please consult your tax advisor for details.

Your contribution will help guarantee the continuation of the Wakefield Fisheries Symposium Series. Contributions may be earmarked for the Wakefield Endowment or for a specific symposium. Contact us via email or call 907-474-7086.